newpb-0.0.2 released
I finally got some twisted time this weekend, so I fixed ticket #1999 and moved newpb out of the Twisted subdirectory entirely, renaming it to Foolscap in the process. I also released version 0.0.2, so there's a complete tarball ready to install and play with.
Having it live outside the Twisted tree has a number of advantages. Twisted is mature enough to have moved to a slower development model that preserves stability at the expense of making new development easy. Each potential change to the codebase must be reviewed before being applied to the trunk, so all development takes place on branches and must serve to fix a specific ticket. Very little of the newpb development falls under this model, and there are a distinct scarcity of people able to review newpb code. By moving it outside the Twisted tree, I can continue to work on it in a more suitable development model.
In addition, moving it outside the twisted. package makes it much easier to test and deploy. When it lived in twisted/pb/*.py, you had to actually install it before using it, into the same directory as the rest of Twisted. Now that it lives in foolscap/*.py instead, you can run it from the source tree. This will make things easier for everybody.
The new name is a bit of a compromise, though. I'm not entirely satisfied with "Foolscap". It has some good properties (google thinks it is fairly unique, it has "cap" which might make you think of capabilities, it has "oo" which might make you think of objects, there's the visual of a twisted foolscap of paper, the jester's hat-and-bells could make a nice logo). But it also has some bad ones (MarkM points out that there's enough negative baggage around the word "capabilities" that you might not want "cap" in your protocol name, using the word "fool" gives some negative connotations, the promise-pipelining aspects are really more interesting than the capabilities ones, and anyways "foolscap" doesn't really flow off the tongue in a glib manner). But it needed a name to live outside Twisted, and now it has one. That might change, but Foolscap should get us through the next couple of months.
I've been staring at E's CapTP protocol a lot, thanks to help from Mark Miller, trying to understand what their goals are, how they accomplish them, and what pieces would be useful to implement in Foolscap. What I learned last week was how the CapTP 3-Vat introduction system works. I think I can implement it in Foolscap, but I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. CapTP does some funny tricks to make sure that messages which introduce two Vats are delivered in the correct order relative to other messages between those Vats (this is called E-Order in MarkM's papers). I assume this is a good property to maintain (my general approach is to assume that everything MarkM does has a good reason behind it, and that if I work at it long enough I may learn that reason for myself, but for now just shut up and implement it).
But a lot of CapTP is tied up in Promises, and I'm still getting my head around how to provide something in python that resembles a Promise and is still useable. We don't have a lot of the language features that E does, in particular the way that an E object holding a reference to a Promise will eventually discover (after the promise has been resolved) that they're holding a reference to some other object. We don't have that sort of silent slot mutation in Python, so I'm trying to figure out what would be a meaningful equivalent. So far the Promise syntax is looking something like:
p2 = send(p1).foo(args) # equivalent of E's: p2 = p1 <- foo(args)
Of course you can also use send() on non-promises if you just want to do an eventual-send. This is a more precise way to accomplish what I've been (crudely) doing with reactor.callLater(0,..) all these years. I'm also writing a sendOnly for when you want to throw away the return value. E has compiler support for this, it knows whether the results of the send are used or not, and can switch between send and sendOnly automatically. Python does not have such a context sensor, so we have to do it by hand.
Then, when you want to interface back to the synchronous world, you use when() to turn the promise into a Deferred, to which you can then attach some code to run:
def _stuff(value): print value d = when(p2) d.addCallback(_stuff)
Trying to get this to work with the actual eventual-send queue and make the result Promises work correctly is making my head spin. I need to sit down with Zooko on this stuff, he'll understand it well enough to help me get my brain around it.